
Friday, January 10, 2014

Day 359 The Amaryllis Experiment #2

The Amaryllis Experiment #2
Oil on Gessobord
6" x 6"
It was great fun watching this plant grow in my windowsill. Their stems and leaves
have the solid look of a succulent but they grow so quickly! As the buds grew and
began to open it was fascinating to think of how this process works, the DNA telling
all of the cells how to replicate and where to go. All this movement is in perfect harmony to
create a gorgeous flower. Wow.

I am learning a new video program. If you would like to check out my first
official Daily Painting video click here.


  1. This is a luscious painting! Beautiful! Have you been painting for 359 days? I have been painting since Leslie's first 30 day challenge last January. I am up to 375. It truly becomes a habit when you paint every day :)

  2. This is so rich looking and beautiful Susan.

  3. Thank you very much Nancy! Rich is my favorite look. I'm happy to hear I've succeeded in this one.

  4. Thank you very much Tammie! Congratulations to you on your amazing commitment to daily painting! I started in November 2012 but am about two months behind in posting. Also, while I started a painting almost everyday in that period there were a few I didn't finish. So you're definitely ahead of me! Do you plan to just keep going?
