
Friday, January 3, 2014

Day 352 Megan Inspires Me


Megan Inspires Me
Oil on Gessobord
6" x 6"


My youngest daughter Megan has been showing some consistant interest in oil painting, much to my delight. So for Christmas we got her a pochade box and paints. The other day she grabbed on orange, sat it on the counter and started painting (see below). I thought it was such a fun composition I decided to try it too, with Megan's permission of course.

The Orange on the Stone
Oil on Linen Board
5" x 7"
by Megan McManamen

Not bad for an eleven year old! :)




  1. Oh my...someone has inherited her mother's talent! Awesome.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Eleven?? Seriously?? WOW!! talk about the orange not falling far from the tree. i couldn't hold a pencil at 11! beautiful work from both Mother and Daughter!!

  4. Thank you very much Suzanne! I have to say if she keeps this up I'm a little worried she will pass me up in no time!
