
Friday, January 17, 2014

Daily Painting No. 366 Still Here

Still Here
Oil on Gessobord
6" x 6"
The nice long nap helped a little bit. Many people have been curious about my plans now that I have completed 365 daily paintings. To be honest, I'm still not sure. I am however still participating in Leslie Saeta's 30 in 30 challenge so the daily paintings will continue at least until the end of the month.
I must say from a personal and professional standpoint this project has been simply amazing.
I'm feeling pretty knowledgeable about the painting a day venture at the moment so I thought I would share how to go about starting your own challenge. It could be a year, a month or a week. It's up to you. Are you up for it? Okay, here go...
First step: Choose something to give up. Yep, in order to carve out time for this you're going to have to give up something. Most people I know have days that are full from one end to the other. What are you willing to give up for a week, month or year? Keep in mind the longer you do this the more efficient you will be come and you might be able to add back in a little of what you gave up. The first thing I gave up was reading for learning and pleasure. I knew in a year the books would still be there. What can you live without for a week, month or year?

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