
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 117 - They keep coming!

Tulips in Japanese Jar
Oil on Gessobord
6 x 6
These beautiful yellow tulips reminded me of peonies when
they opened. I guess Carol Marine has been having problems
with her tulips holding a pose as well. Her readers had some
suggestions. One was to put a penny in the vase, another to add
ice cubes and still another was to put them in the fridge for an
 hour before you paint them. My suggestion? Let them do
their thing. Meaning put them in the vase, turn on the light
and go do something else for an hour. After an hour or so they have done
all the moving they are going to do and they are much more willing
to hold that pose.


  1. I love this one! The dominant warm temperature feels like sitting before a warm fire. The circular movement in the composition adds to the feeling.

  2. Thanks you very much Elizabeth. I love the sitting before a warm fire analogy. I'm pretty fond of this one myself.
