
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Day 4

Oil on canvas
7 x 5

Few! Got this one in under the wire. Still having difficulties getting a good photograph. My brother, who is a photographer, gave me some good tips. So I guess I'll have to play with it some more. Or I might just have to let these dry for a bit first.

All that aside, I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! It's time for me to go and clean up all the special Thanksgiving cookware and pack it away until next year....


  1. I like this one too (they're all good). Didn't know your brother was a photographer.

  2. Thank you again! This is definitely my best "painting a day" painting yet.
    Yes indeed, Nathan is a fine art photographer. He also works as an assitant in the photography department at Western Washington University and teaches the odd class here and there.
