
Friday, October 26, 2018

No. 883 Gus McManamen

Gus McManamen
Oil on Canvas Panel
6" x 8"

Sure, life is busy with a painting a day challenge so why not add a kitten to it? Not busy enough? Okay why not add two? Are we completely crazy yet? YES!

Yet to be painted - Mousse (as in chocolate mousse) McManamen

Even with the huge distraction of two kittens the painting challenge continues. A huge thank you to everyone that has subscribed to my YouTube channel. Much appreciated!! I've heard you are not receiving notifications of the newest video being posted. When you are on YouTube click on the little bell next to the subscribe button for my channel and I think that will do the trick. In the meantime here are some links...

Click HERE for a peak at this video.

Click HERE for a peak at my most recent video uploaded at 2:00am this morning. :)

I have a vague memory of the "HERE" links not working in the email version of this post. If that's still the case here are the two links:

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

No.882 Fall on Highway 2

Fall on Highway 2
Oil on Panel
5"x 7"

Wow! Fall is spectacular right now up in the mountains. I was really lucky to spend several days painting and taking photos in the Leavenworth area. A big thank you to Jodie and Bruce for letting me stay at their cabin. I'm just wonderstruck at all the beautiful fall color I saw up there.

On a separate note I've started a new project! I'm returning to my original 365 day painting challenge but this time I'm documenting it via time lapse video. This way you can see not only the paintings but also how they are created. I will post video twice a week. It's been a struggle to add all of this to my regular schedule. I hope to find shortcuts and get into a rhythm soon. I probably won't post daily to my blog this time though. If you'd like to keep updated on my progress I would love to have you subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Click HERE to view the first video.