
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

No. 867 Tulip Fields at Sunset

Tulip Fields at Sunset
Oil on Gessobord
6" x 6"

I just finished painting a 12" x 12" version of this one. Wow, that was a gorgeous evening. The perk of spending an entire day in the tulip fields is you get to see these special light effects.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

No. 866 The Tulip Bus

The Tulip Bus
Oil on Canvas Panel
5" x 7"

The bus the field workers ride out on and a very handy focal point. :)

Sunday, March 25, 2018

No. 865 Return to the Fields

No. 865 Return to the Fields
Oil on Canvas Panel
5" x 7"

It's that time of year! Spring has arrived and the tulips are poking their heads up in the garden. For me that means getting ready for the art show in Mt. Vernon. I really enjoyed getting to know the local artists there last year and look forward to hanging out with them again.

I'm giving you guys first shot at my newest collection of tulip field paintings before I take them up to the show...

Saturday, March 3, 2018

No. 864 Return to the Wetlands

Return to the Wetlands
Oil on Gessobord
6" x 6"

Click to Bid

Once again returning to the wetlands near my home on a grey but not super soggy day. I have to say I'm really starting to dig this winter color palette.

Friday, March 2, 2018

No. 863 Primrose Gratitude

Primrose Gratitude
Oil on Gessobord
5" x 7"

Click to Bid

The last of the January primrose paintings. I found this old Coca-Cola tray at an antique store in Snohomish. At the time I felt a little guilty about buying it. Guilty no more! I LOVE those primroses in that old tray. They make me smile every time I spot them outside the front widow.