
Thursday, April 30, 2015

No.612 The Largest Plein Air Painting

Mt. Vernon Tulips
Oil on Stretched Canvas
11" x 14"
This is by far the largest plein air painting I've ever done. I had hoped to "wow" someone into taking it home from the tulip fields. Interestingly, I noticed that people were less likely to come close and talk to me while I was painting this than when I was painting the much smaller versions. My guess is with this size they were able to satisfy their curiosity from fifteen feet away. Whereas, they would have to come within "chatting range" to see the much smaller ones. Lesson learned. :)

You meet the nicest people and the best photographers in the tulips fields. Another photo of me by a kind passerby, Thu Pham. Terrific shot, Thu! Thank you!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

No. 611 Cherry Blossoms with Pears

Cherry Blossoms with Pears
Oil on Linen Panel
5" x 7"
Out of the four paintings I did with cherry blossoms, this one is by far my favorite. Spring is an absolute feast for the painter that loves flowers. Each year I think I need to clear my calendar so I have plenty of time to enjoy the bounty. Sadly, each year I forget to do just that.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

No. 610 Cherry Blossoms with Rabbit

Cherry Blossoms with Rabbit
Oil on Linen Panel
7" x 5"
Yes, another attempt at those fabulous cherry blossoms. Also, the debut of my Japanese rabbit figurine. She was purchased at a Japanese antique shop on Whidbey Island. Lots of wonderful still life props there! The little rabbit was about all I could afford though. Any suggestions for a name?
Preparations are underway for class next week. Lots to do! Things to buy, lessons to plan, friends who are teachers brains to pick, deep breathing to calm nerves... 

Monday, April 27, 2015

No. 609 A Warm Spring Evening

A Warm Spring Evening
Oil on Stretched Canvas
11" x 14"
Okay, I will admit I've been having fun painting larger these days...
Things are going great getting ready for my oil painting class. It's almost full! There are just two spots left. I've got a really wonderful bunch of students of all skill levels signed up. I'm so excited!

Friday, April 24, 2015

No. 608 Just Can't Get Enough

Just Can't Get Enough
Oil on Canvas Panel
6" x 6"
Yes it's true! I just can't get enough of those tulips. No wonder the Dutch went crazy over them. The endless variety of shapes and colors are nothing less than intoxicating. That fact they symbolize spring is icing on the cake!
I had a request to stop teasing about my oil painting class and give specific information. :)
The class will be held in historic downtown Snohomish at HollysImages Art and Design Studio, 1024 First Street, Suite LL02 (lower level, downstairs), Snohomish, 98290. It will start at 10am so we all can avoid rush hour traffic and end at 1:00pm. Ever so often, I hope to talk people into going out to lunch after class at one of the many cafes within walking distance. :)  The cost is $20 per class. It starts on Wednesday, May 6th and is an ongoing class. If you are just getting started with this luscious medium, have some experience with oils or just looking for artist camaraderie while you paint, this class is for you my friend. :)
If you would like more information or would like to reserve your place in class please don't hesitate to email me at

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

No. 607 Primary Tulips - the Extended Version


Primary Tulips with Fruit and Melon
Oil on Canvas Panel
11" x 14"
Alright, it's the enlarged version of Primary Tulips complete with honeydew melon. This was a kick to paint and I'm pleased with the way it turned out. I spent a couple of days working on it and  really appreciated having the opportunity to tackle it on a new day with a fresh eye.
More information on my new oil painting classes:
I really hope that people who attend my classes not only learn something but have an opportunity to meet other people of like mind and discover friendships they will treasure for years. So, as in my favorite classes of the past, there will be a definite social aspect as well as learning.
 The morning class will be open for beginning to intermediate oil painters. I plan to start the class with a lesson on a fundamental art concept and a short exercise. The last two hours of this three hour class will be for painting whatever my students are interested in with assistance from me. They can choose between photos or still life set ups.

Monday, April 20, 2015

No. 605 and 606 Silver Boat with Lemons Day and Night

Silver Boat with Lemons - Day
Oil on Linen Panel
5" x 7"
So I had this wonderful idea a while ago of painting a still life in two different lighting conditions. This is as far as I've gotten. I've been having so much fun painting during the day that the night scenes just aren't happening.

Silver Boat with Lemons - Day
Oil on Linen Panel
5" x 7"
On a separate but very exciting note, my dear friend Holly has opened her own art studio in quaint downtown Snohomish. She is allowing me to teach oil painting classes there. So starting May 6th I will be teaching a morning and evening class on Wednesdays. How exciting is that? I've learned so much from the great teachers I've studied with and my daily painting practice. I can't wait to share it all! I'll be posting more about the classes in the next few days.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

No. 604 Primary Tulips


Primary Tulips
Oil on Linen Panel
7" x 5"
Wow! We had some truly spectacular weather this weekend. Saturday, I spent the morning and afternoon painting with friends from PAWA in the Washington Park Arboretum. What a gorgeous place it is this time of year with azaleas, rhodies and fruit trees bursting with color. I will try to get pics of the place and the paintings by the end of the week. :)

Friday, April 17, 2015

No. 603 Cherry Blossoms and Apples

Cherry Blossoms and Apples
Oil on Gessobord
6" x 6"
Oh, I adore double cherry blossom trees. I try and try to paint their lovely branches but so far haven't come up with a composition I'm really satisfied with. I guess I will have to keep trying. Eventually something will come to me.
After admiring other peoples double cherry trees since I can remember, we finally planted our own baby tree about four years ago. It looked pretty sad those first few years I will admit. My husband was convinced we had a bad tree. This year though, my baby's grown up and is looking gorgeous. I'm so proud!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

No. 602 Tulips Alfresco

Tulips Alfresco
Oil on Gessobord
6" x 6"
The first outdoor still life of the season. I hope to paint many more outdoor still lifes this year but have discovered the shade from the neighbors trees in the backyard to be a problem. I may have to switch to painting in the morning in the front yard. That'll give the neighbors something to look at. :) 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

No. 601 Daffodils and Green Apples

Oil on Linen Panel
5" x 7"
Continuing on with the daffodil theme...
I have to say if you want a fresh fruit prop that goes the distance you can beat apples. Pears, I've discovered, are another matter.


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

No. 600! Daffodils with Fancy Lemons

Daffodils with Fancy Lemons
Oil on Gessobord
6" x 6"
On one of my special trips to Trader Joes I discovered Meyer lemons. I'd heard about this special fruit but hadn't actually seen them and, oh my, what a lovely color they are.


Monday, April 13, 2015

No. 599 Mini Spring Morning

Mini Spring Morning
Oil on Gessobord
6" x 6"
This is the painting that inspired the larger version I posted a couple of days ago. Come to think of it that's the way it's supposed to work, right? You do a small study to find out if an idea is worth the time, energy and materials to create a large version. Well, what do you know. :)

Sunday, April 12, 2015

No. 598 Red Vase on a Spring Morning

Red Vase on a Spring Morning
Oil on Canvas Panel
8" x 8"
You could say this painting is a combination of the paintings in the last two posts. I painted it a couple of weeks ago. The painting I completed today has much less paint and texture. Shucks, I'm disappointed to see how much I've regressed in my efforts to put more paint on the canvas in two weeks. I need to redo the Zimin workshop. Sigh.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

No. 597 Spring Morning

Spring Morning
Oil on Stretched Canvas
11" x 14"
Every since the Zimin workshop I've been feeling the urge to paint larger. This is a dangerous proposition as larger paintings are much more difficult for me to sell. I suspect the danger is part of the attraction. :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

No. 596 Daffodils with Red Vase

Daffodils with Red Vase
Oil on Gessobord
6" x 6"
Poor daffodils were forgotten in the tulip rush. I think tulips are the "bad boys" of the spring bulb world. They're bold, temperamental, here one day and gone the next. Whereas daffodils are the "nice guys". They're cheerful, dependable, return year after year and are often taken for granted. That's it. I'm planting more daffodils next fall. :)


Tuesday, April 7, 2015

No. 595 White on White with Blue

White on White with Blue
Oil on Linen Panel
7" x 5"
Since the Zimin workshop I have developed an appreciation for the subtleties of a white on white composition. It's also very good practice for noticing slight variations of color temperature. Of course I had to throw a little color in there too...

Monday, April 6, 2015

No. 594 Tulips with Red Scarf

Tulips with Red Scarf
Oil on Canvas Panel
7" x 5"
At this point I have way more paintings than words so this will be a short and sweet post. I believe I've mentioned that I love red, right? :)

Sunday, April 5, 2015

No. 593 Tulip Still Life at Home

Tulip Still Life at Home
Oil on Linen Panel
7" x 5"
I hope everyone had a pleasant Easter. We had a very busy week with the girls being on spring break. We managed to squeeze in trips to the orthodontist, dentist, a couple of college campus visits for my oldest daughter who is a junior in high school and a trip to the island. Now it's time to get back at it!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

No. 592 More from the Tulip Fields

Tulip Fields - Day Two
Oil on Linen Panel
4" x 6"
I couldn't resist going back one more day. Once again I received lots of compliments on my work and met many very nice people. I think I love this old barn as much as the tulips. I also painted a much larger version in the afternoon. I have yet to get a good photo of the large version. Also, I think I'd like to work on it a bit more.
Check out the reflection in my new friend Jim's sunglasses. :) Thank you for letting me take your photo, Jim!

I had my photo taken by LOTS of people. A few even shared them with me. This photo was taken by another new friend Rose Magary, also known as Wildrose. Thank you Wildrose. I really like this photo. :)