
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Day 327 Try, Try Again



Try, Try Again
Oil on Gessobord
5 x 7


I don't know how many times I've tried to capture this favorite family haunt. I'm getting closer but still not satisfied yet. Ebey's Landing, Whidbey Island.


Day 326 Family Reunion


Family Reunion
Oil on Gessobord
5 x 7


I've always Iiked the photo this painting is based on. It was taken in Gillette, Wyoming at the home of Bob and Kelly McManamen during a family reunion. I felt very lucky to stay in their lovely home and receive their wonderful hospitality.


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day 325 Thank You



Thank You
Oil on Gessobord
6 x 6


I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know I did. The weather was gorgeous, I had a chance to paint the beautiful view from my brother's home and my sister-in-law cooks a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner. What more could a person ask for?


Today is the perfect day to say a HUGE thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to read my blog. I'd also like to say another HUGE thank you to everyone has taken a painting into their home, the ultimate compliment! Furthermore, I'm blown away the people who give my paintings to friends and family, what an honor. You guys are awesome and you support is deeply, deeply appreciated. Thank you!


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day 324 The Mayor's Pumpkin


The Mayor's Pumpkin
Oil on Gessobord
6 x 6


If you happen to be in Downtown Snohomish take a moment to stroll by the mayor's home. It's an interesting place because it was once a church. The artist in Mayor Guzak shows through in her lovely landscaping and seasonal displays. How often is the mayor of a town a professional artist?


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day 323 It's a Jungle Out There

It's a Jungle Out There
Oil on Gessobord
6 x 6
A quaint old home in downtown Snohomish being consumed by it's landscaping. What a beautiful way to go! Mild temperatures and plenty of moisture cause the vegetation to go wild here at times and many people hesitate to cut back their rhodys and azaleas. I love it!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Day 322 The Grand Plan




The Grand Plan
Oil on Canvas Board
5 x 7


I recently came up with a grand plan of arranging larger, more complicated still lifes. Then over a couple days I would do a few paintings of small sections and end with a large painting of the entire still life. That was over a week ago and this small painting is all I have to show for my grand plan.


Sunday, November 24, 2013

Day 321 String Lake Revisited

String Lake Revisited
Oil on Canvas Board
6 x 6

Still on my Tetons kick. This was one of the many stunning locations we painted at during my workshop with Jim Wilcox. What an amazing treat that workshop was.
I consider this painting still a work in progress. If I get a chance, I will go back and adjust a few things. This is definitely the down side to daily painting. It's hard to find the time to go back and work on paintings that could use a little more thought. At least they very rarely suffer the fate of being "overworked". :)

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Day 320 Mom and Dad



Mom and Dad
Oil on Gessobord
6 x 6


We're back in Wyoming on the family ranch. I've been told that on the entire 1,500 or so acres there are exactly seven trees. All seven are located near the old family cabin. On our last visit, Sister Florence made the great analogy that each tree represented a member of her family that used to live there. All but two of those members are gone now but all seven trees remain. You might guess, by the title of this painting, who Sister Florence felt these two trees represented.

On a separate note, I love this kind of lighting. A storm has just passed. The clouds moving into in the eastern sky were still dark and ominous but the foreground was lit up by the returning sun.


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Day 319 Don't Bring Trailers

Don't Bring Trailers
Oil on Gessobord
6 x 6

This image is from Glacier National Park, another absolutely amazing place to visit. Just remember not to try and tow a trailer through the park because they simply won't let you. Apparently some of the turns in the road are just too tight. If you do bring a trailor, they will tell you to drive all the way around the park, just like they told us.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 318 Return to the Tetons

Return to the Tetons
Oil on Canvas Board
5 x 7

If there is a name for people who are endlessly fascinated by the Teton Mountains, that name would have to be applied to me. A Tetonatic? A Fana-Teton? Anyway, I am constantly inspired by this amazing place.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 317 Sunset Over the Islands

Sunset Over the Islands
Oil on Canvas Board
5 x 7

A glorious sunset during a summer camping trip near La Conner.

Day 316 A Strange Facination


A Strange Fascination
Oil on Canvas Board
5 x 7


Okay, okay I will admit to a strange fascination with the Pigeon Guillemot. It's got to be those bright red/orange feet that's turning me on. This is, once again, from our trip to the Oregon Coast this summer.


Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day 315 I'll Take the Red One


I'll Take the Red One
6 x 6
Oil on Ampersand Gessobord


Nothing makes me more wistful than the sight of a lovely sailboat on Penn Cove, especially a red one.


Saturday, November 16, 2013

Day 314 It All Came Tumbling Down

It All Came Tumbling Down
Oil on Canvas Board
6 x 6

This is an image from our trip to the Oregon Coast this summer. Oregon beaches have amazing rock formations. The last time we visited this particular beach, all those jagged rocks you see in the foreground formed an arch. It makes you feel small to see the remains scattered about.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Day 313 Blogging by Candlelight

Blogging by Candlelight
Oil on Canvas Board
5 x 7

We just lost our electricity due to a wind storm. Luckily my iPad is well charged...
Here we have more of Renee's copper, my favorite squash, and leaves from our dogwood tree. A long time ago I had a request to show a bit of my process. So if you are interested, I've posted a few of the steps below...

Ooooo, a white canvas. Some people find white canvases a little daunting.

I started off by toning the canvas with a burnt sienna colored wash. Then the main shapes were loosely drawn in.

At this point I've blocked in the largest color shapes. Now comes the hard part...

Here you can see I've refined the colors and shapes and added some details. The finished painting is of course back at the top.
Well what do you think? Was this interesting at all? Would you like to see more inbetween steps like this?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day 312 More Attention Seeking

More Attention Seeking
5 x 7
Oil on Canvas Board

One attention seeking kitty and one lovely costumed lady. Another image from the Tilbury event in Kingston. The model made the beautiful Victorian styled dress she was wearing. Impressive!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 311 Peek-A-Boo

6 x 6
Oil on Gessobord

One day, after watching a particularly inspiring video on painting, I set to work putting together a still life. After I finished arranging everything, I grabbed my camera to get photos for later. By the time I lifted my camera for the picture someone appeared out of no where, apparently to join in on the game.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Day 310 Missed Opportunity

Missed Opportunity
5 x 7
Oil on Canvas Board

Why, oh why did I not think to use fall leaves in my still lifes earlier? Thanks to an earlier wind storm, this was the last of the maple leaves on our tree.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day 309 Light It Up!

Light It Up - Plein Air
Oil on Canvas Board
6 x 6

This is from Eric Jacobson's workshop in Gig Harbor. The day started out grey and foggy but as the afternoon progressed the clouds began to break up. At one point, the sun lit up the sailboats across the bay in the marina.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Day 308 Summer Flash Back


Summer Flash Back
Oil on Canvas Board
5 x 7

Thinking about summertime in Coupeville......


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 307 Still Playing with Squash


Still Playing with Squash
5 x 7
Oil on Canvas Board

The title says it all.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day 306 Way Overdue


Way Overdue
6 x 6
Oil on Canvas Board


The large brass pitcher in this painting was borrowed from a dear friend about, oh I'd say, a year ago. Yes, so far as I know she is still a friend. Thank you Renee, for your infinite patience. I knew it would be an awesome prop again this fall. :)


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 305 Studio Envy

Studio Envy
Oil on Gessobord
6 x 6

I painted this still life in the amazing studio of the wonderful lady and artist, Donna Trent. Her studio is large, full of light and stocked with wonderful still life props. It's also full of art books and Donna's lovely paintings. What more could a person ask for?